Myren Celmar, 21, HRM in UC Main, lost her parents Arsenio Sr. and Maria and sisters Susem, Dina, Arlene, Nancy and Sherlita while her brothers Arsenio Jr. and Nielbert survived

Jewelson Siona, 22, USC Talamban, lost his mother

Paul Esguerra, 22, now enrolled in Besavilla Engineering Review Center, his mother Edmedia and brother Angie died while his father Romeo Sr., brothers Anthony, James and Romeo and sister Honey Mae survived

Romeo Esguerra Jr., 19, UC Mambaling, brother of Paul

Jaycee Ylagan, 18, UC Mambaling, his mother Felicidad (the DSWD clerk of St. Bernard) died while his father Floro and sister Feliflor survived